Claddtech - Cover Image



A great brand from the UK specializing in bathroom wall panels, ceiling panels, and cladding reached out and shared that they are already doing well but cannot seem to reach the next level for one reason or another. We helped them grow consistently month over month. 


  • Account already very profitable, but stagnating in the same place
  • Not enough attention or attempt to scale from previous service providers
  • No proper reporting or business insights provided


  • With accounts like this, it is really important to tread carefully because you can lose performance, especially considering they were already utilizing automation in their account
  • We’ve slowly restructured some of the campaigns based on the product availability, profitability
  • Added more localized campaigns in order to drive local sales for easier fulfillment
  • Started testing a Performance Max campaign


  • Results are great so far and we’ve been able to improve on sales volume which was the main goal, while at the same time maintaining profitability
  • From our efforts to expand we increased the overall sales of the store as well, not just Google Ads

Images from Data Studio*